Love layer

by layer

Mille-feuille with courgettes, bresaola, smoked provola cheese, and flavoured oil


Mix some flavoured oil with lem- on, marjoram and mint, then let it rest. Wash the courgettes and, using a vegetable slicer, cut them into thin rounds. Heat a grill and cook the courgettes for 3 minutes on each side. Then, place them on a plate before seasoning them with a drizzle of oil and a pinch of salt.

Slice the smoked provola to match the thickness of the cour- gettes. Prepare your mille-feuille by alternating layers of provola cheese, courgettes, and slices of bresaola. Garnish your dish with a bit more oil, some fragrant leaves, and lem- on zest.


Madly in love with your sweetheart


Love is in the air - John Paul Young


Rosso di Valtellina DOC

13 ways to fall in love with
